Summer Innanen

Start at Body Neutral: FREE WORKSHOP

When you intellectually get the idea of body love ... but you're not feeling it yet.

You will get a replay if you can't show up live.

Many of us now understand that dieting is not the answer. BUT body shame still keeps showing up.
Hiding from photos. Sucking in our stomachs. Comparing ourselves to everyone else.

Yarrr. How do we actually shake it for good?
Let’s shift gears together.

>Start at Body Neutral

This free workshop is for all of us out there who cheer out loud for the body positivity movement . . .
while secretly judging ourselves for not believing it / living it yet.

Join me as we step back for a moment from the expectation to love our bodies and Start at Body Neutral.

During this free workshop, you'll learn:

  • The 4 stages we go through to reach body neutrality and the one thing you need to do to move past each stage,


  • 3 mistakes preventing you from moving past "intellectually getting it" to truly embodying a sense of body neutrality,


  • My 5-Part Framework for radically changing the way you feel about yourself and feeling confident regardless of your size,


  • Why it is possible for YOU (yes, YOU) to feel neutral in your body and more confident in who you are


Plus, you'll also be given details on what the
You, On Fire
group coaching program is all about.

Are you in?!?!

You will get a replay if you can't show up live.

Copyright © 2022 Summer Innanen, CNP, BBA | Body Image Coach. All rights reserved. | Disclaimer